Thursday, August 14, 2008

Since school doesn't start till Monday...

My friend Denise had this on her blog and I thought it was a fun idea.

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn’t matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog.

So... all of you who check my blog regularly (there has to be at least one person...I hope) see what you can come up with. (Stories about Mike or my kids count too!)


emily said...

Alright you. I know it's repeated often, but It's a very adventurous story. I'll sum it up in a few words: Teresa (first day driving by the way), coolers, and lectures in front of your parents house. I'm sure you can fill in the rest and for everyone else who is dying to know: never throw a water balloon at a cop. Love you Amanda!

Denise said...

I cannot wait to read the rest of the stories about you!

My favorite memories are the ones of us hanging out together with Josh and George.

Those two were a riot.

And of course, Henry as a baby...he was soooooo huge.

Good times!

Miss you!

Denise said...

Oh, and Mike playing the piano that first time at our house. A classic.

Windybrook Spinner said...

I remember you teaching me to dive. That was awhile ago, aye?

The Mrs said...

I remember the first time I met you. I was pregnant with Steven and we sat in your apartment by the Merrifield metro just talking. I think we played games afterwards. I also remember going to your apartment in Vienna for dinner.

Emily said...

Hee hee..Emily stole my story...
Amanda: "I thought it was a biker!"
Us: "No, Amanda, that was a cop."

I have so many memories. Many involve Ben and Jerrys. My first memory of you was in Junior High and you poured salsa all over some ants trying to drown them. Good memories of your cabin in Torrey.

Johnny and Angela Dayton said...

I remember eating delicious traditional Halloween donuts, staying up late watching movies and just basically having a great time with you guys in DC. Glad to hear all is well in residency!

Lewis Family said...

One thing I totally admire about you is your amazing quilts. The quilt you made for Isaac is still a favorite!

Alta said...

Hmmmm what to say. I love this idea. So should I go with a recent memory or one back in our shall I say in our not so peaceful perhaps a bit violent past. Nah those days are way over, I have to cringe whenever I think like that. Ahh this is a goodie, I think one of my very favorite memory was when I came out to Virginia for a week with just Lizzie and we made all kinds of yummy gourmet food, went to a fun farm, staying up late and talking and looking through fun quilting books, taking the kids trick-or-treating and all kinds of great fun. I loved hanging out with you but more than anything I loved that we became such close friends and sisters. Wow I am starting to tear up while I write this. You are such a wonderful friend and older sister. I so look up to you! Also you have been such a huge support to me since Elliot was born, I only wish that you lived next door to me, oh the fun that we could have and the memories we can make. I guess we will just have to make them when we can. DisneyLand here we come!