Monday, October 15, 2007

Bedtime for Boys

One of the most enjoyable or the most frustrating times of day as a mom is Bedtime. It all depends on the day. The boys can either be wonderfully helpful and sweet, or as stubborn as mules. Fortunately we have many more wonderful days than frustrating days. (It always makes a big difference when Dad is around to help.)

It is so fun to watch my kids grow up and learn to do things for themselves. It's so nice when I can send George and Henry upstairs to their room to get their pajamas on while I change Clifton. They have become pretty good at brushing their own teeth and I can now supervise rather than having to help them as much.

They both love books and stories. We've been reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone to George. It is a little beyond him, but he enjoys it and is excited to be able to watch the movie when we finish.

Henry loves picture books. He will read almost any book he can find. His favorite for the past couple of days is a pop up book called The Itsy Bitsy Spider. He loves to sing the song as we read the book.

Clifton is just my happy baby. He's figured out how to crawl. He does a great army crawl and can maneuver himself anywhere pretty quickly. I really have to watch him now when he's down. He also loves to eat. Today Janie took me to lunch, and I brought him along. He had quite a feast with us. He loved the Sea Bass and the yummy biscuits. He also had his first taste of ice cream (Don't tell Mike!!!!) We have yet to find anything he won't eat. (I hope it continues!)

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